Master Program: Management and Technology

Thesis Topic: The Validation of Internal Corporate Venturing Ideas: A framework

Supervisor: Paul Kompalik, M.Sc.

Master Program: Mechanical Engineering

Thesis Topic: Numerical trajectory optimization for Airborne Wind Energy systems with passively moving ground stations

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Holzapfel & Tuğba Akman, M.Sc.

Master Program: Management and Technology

Thesis Topic:Analysis of Investment Processes and Investment Criteria in University Managed Funds – An explorative case study

Supervisor: Maximilian Kremer, M.Sc.

Master Program:Management and Technology

Thesis Topic: Impact Investing for hardware-intensive Cleantech Startups

Supervisor: Dr. Svenja Jarchow

Master Program: Management & Architecture

Thesis Topic: Utilization of Residual Capacity: Potentials and Challenges of Co-ownership Models in the German Real Estate Market

Supervisor: Karina Konieczny, M.Sc.

Master Program: Management and Technology

Thesis Topic: The Impact of Academic Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth and Development

Supervisor: Prof. Edward Roberts (MIT) & Dr. Gresa Latifi (TUM)

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: Digitizing the German Construction Industry: Possible Contributions of Inventory Management Systems

Supervisor: tbd

Master Program: Management

Thesis Topic: Challenges and Opportunities of the Circular Economy for SMEs in the Manufacturing Industry

Supervisor: Niclas-Alexander Mauß, M.Sc.

Master Program: EMBA Innovation and Business Creation

Thesis Topic: Original Challenges of Cloud Computing: Enterprises with a Software Landscape dominated by Cloud

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Theresa Treffers

Master Program: Information Systems

Thesis Topic: Translating human locomotion into a human digital twin for intelligent manufacturing

Supervisor: Leonard Przybilla, M.Sc.