Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: How are digital transformation strategies created  in family businesses in the manufacturing industry to reduce uncertainty among employees in the transformation process?

Supervisor: Alex Christian

Master Program: Informatics

Thesis Topic: Implementation of a ML Model to Improve the Yield of Livestock Farming through the Analysis of Satellite Data

Supervisor: TBU

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: TBD

Supervisor: TBD

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: Visualizing Co-Investment Networks: Mapping Cleantech Venture Capital Ecosystems

Supervisor: Prof. Siddharth Vedula

Master Program: Management

Thesis Topic: Investigation and assessment of different technologies to realize Digital Product Passport Systems (DPP-Systems)

Supervisor: Lukas Wohlschläger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: Business Model Research for a Sustainable Fashion Exchange

Supervisor: TBD

Master Program: Aerospace Engineering

Thesis Topic: Evaluating the Potential of eVTOLs for Inter-Hospital Medical Transport in Germany: Technical Requirements, Medical Benefits, and Economic Opportunities

Supervisor: Prof. Sophie Armanini

Master Program: Aerospace Engineering

Thesis Topic: TBD

Supervisor: TBD

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: TBD

Supervisor: TBD

Master Program: Aerospace Engineering

Thesis Topic: From Dive to Rescue: Design and Development of a prototype UAV for Maritime SAR Operations

Supervisor: Klemens Hohnbaum