Master Program: Management and Technology

Thesis Topic: Understanding Entrepreneurial Support Organisations’ Governance in Munich and Turin: A Comparative Analysis

Supervisor: Prof. Siddharth Vedula

Master Program: Mechanical Engineering

Thesis Topic: Understanding Entrepreneurial Support Organisations’ Governance in Munich and Turin: A Comparative Analysis

Supervisor: Prof. Siddharth Vedula

Master Program: Management

Thesis Topic: AI Adoption in production systems: implications for future work processes

Supervisor: tbd

Master Program: Management and Technology

Thesis Topic: The Impact of Founders’s Positive Conflict Behavior on Startup Success

Supervisor: Jennifer Ettner

Master Program: Mechanical Engineering

Thesis Topic: Understanding Entrepreneurial Support Organisations’ Governance in Munich and Turin: A Comparative Analysis

Supervisor: Prof. Siddharth Vedula

Master Program: Electrical Engineering

Thesis Topic: Grounding LLM Predictions in Application using Post-Training Optimization

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Daumer

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: Role of Industrial Symbiosis in Circular Economy Transition

Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: WiP: The Impact of Digital Product Passports on Supply Chains and Sustainability/p>

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar

Master Program: Executive MBA Innovation & Business Creation

Thesis Topic: Crucial factors for successful adoption of generative AI by small Recruitment Agencies.

Supervisor: Christian Wimmer

Master Program: Management & Technology

Thesis Topic: The Role of Governmental Instituitions in Supporting Social Startups

Supervisor: TBD