The research of Prof. Klinker (b. 1958) examines the link between augmented reality and wearable and ubiquitous computing.

Prof. Klinker studied computer science at Friedrich Alexander University (Erlangen) and the University of Hamburg. She obtained her doctorate at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (USA) in computer science, specializing in color image processing. From 1989 to 1994, she worked at the Cambridge Research Laboratory (CRL) of Digital Equipment Corporation in Boston. In 1995, she commenced her research on the new discipline of augmented reality at the European Computer-Industry Research Center lab in Munich and the Fraunhofer Institute for Visual Computing (IGD). Since 2000, she has held the position of professor of augmented reality at TUM. Prof. Klinker is a founding member of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). She has been a member of various program committees, such as VR, VRST, 3DUI and UIST. She has authored or co-authored over 100 reviewed scientific publications.